Thursday, June 23, 2011


  1. Jenny Chu is such a follower saying she's had sex in a public place I mean who doesn't say that I mean EVERY model says that.

  2. I know behind a "computer" desk when her "man's" boss was gone and the door was opened but somehow no one walked by?! Come on I'm not saying it isn't possible but EVERY model says that I mean it's becoming a fad to say you've had sex in a public place I mean wow. But besides that the vid was SUPER HOT and I loved it also Suelyns was really sexy to especially the last couple of seconds in the video but I pick Jenny Chu and she says she isn't bisexual but she makes out with girls HOT and I have a feeling an anonymous guy would come on me for saying it so TriusFRANCE for the last time block the anonymous people. Jenny Chu video 6★

  3. dude I mean Suelyn looks amazing on her vid! 5.5☆ and I liked Jenny's but Suelyns vid is hot and I liked the last 10 seconds of the vid 2

  4. Nope I like Jenny Chu's video and honey stop following. Come on now really EVERY1 has *%# in a public place COME ON NOW!

  5. good i can fuckin comment now, why u block me? cuz of that drama post. c'mon
    Suelyn Medeiros too sexy

  6. If he blocked you you wouldn't be on here right? How many stars cause he put it on the messed up 1 b4 stephenWTF and I like Jenny Chu's video 5.8 stars

  7. Jenny Chu's vid I mean it was sexy as hell 5.4 stars

  8. Hey this is your first video post good job and I like Jenny Chu's video I love it hot 6.0 except the sex stuff and the part of her making out with chicks is hot 2

  9. Word,shoot Jenny followin and shii but look she is super fine but SUelyn is supa DUPA (I mean u gotta go a little bit of Crashbox on this 1) PUPA FIne ma nigga

  10. Wow Jenny Chu seriously but Suelyn's video was so hot and Jenny has a cute voice... hmmm 6.3 stars for Jenny Chu's video
